Bushfire Fundraising @ Bangor for BlazeAid

Bushfire Fundraising @ Bangor for BlazeAid

Jan 21, 2020Vanessa Dunbabin

Starting Saturday 25th Jan (our big BBQ weekend) and continuing right through until the end of Feb, we'll be donating $5 from every bottle of wine sold to BlazeAid.

During the 2013 Dunalley bushfires, we were fighting the fire on Bangor for 3 weeks to try to save our remaining paddocks. 2,000 hectares of Bangor was burnt along with buildings and equipment. We lost over 40 km of fencing and the wonderful people from BlazeAid helped us to get many of our fences back up.

We are just so grateful for the volunteer help we received and would like to give back to help support the properties across Australia that need re-fencing after the horrible fire season this year.

 Bangor shearing shed lost in the 2013 bushfires




Our historic Bangor shearing shed lost in the 2013 fires - it was going to be Bangor's cellar door. This is how the new Bangor Vineyard Shed building came to be.



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