Nearby Attractions
Nearby Attractions
Looking for ideas for your trip to Tassie? Some of the big attractions for visitors to the south of the state are: MONA, the Saturday Salamanca Markets, kunanyi/ Mount Wellington, the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.
Interested in visiting other Tasmanian wineries while you are here? Check out the Tasmanian Wine Trails Guide: Click here.
Bangor Vineyard Shed is ideally located on a day trip from Hobart, and on your way to and from the many attractions on the Tasman Peninsula, including:
- Sorell-Tasman Wine & Spirits Trail
- Tasmanian Wine Trail Guide and Map
- Port Arthur Historic Site;
- Tasman Island Cruises;
- Coal Mines Historic Site;
- Tessellated Pavement, Devil's Kitchen, Tasman Arch and the Blowhole;
- Waterfall Bay;
- The iconic Three Capes Track;
- A number of Tasmania's 60 Great Short Walks, including Cape Hauy, Cape Raoul and Bivouac Bay;
- Hellfire Bluff Distillery;
- Blue Lagoon Oysters;
- William McHenry & Sons Distillery;
- Doo-lishus Food;
- Many other beautiful walks, surf beaches and attractions.
We are more than happy to suggest some things to do - just let us what you are interested in, and we'll come up with some ideas to help.